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Feel free to email me if you'd like a pdf of any of the papers


  • Houghton, C., Kazanina, N., & Sukumaran, P. (2023) Beyond the limitations of any imaginable mechanism: large language models and psycholinguistics. (Commentary on Bowers et al, 2023 BBS) 10.48550/arXiv.2303.00077

since 2020 

  • Kazanina, N., & Poeppel, D. (2023). The Neural Ingredients for a Language of Thought are Available. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11(27), 996-1007. 10.1016/j.tics.2023.07.012

  • Kazanina, N. & Tavano. A (2023) What Neural Oscillations Can (not) Do for Syntactic Structure Building. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24, 113-128. 10.1038/s41583-022-00659-5 
    ommentaries & our replies: Lo et al - reply; Coopmans et al - reply; Ding - reply

  • Mickes, L., Morgan, D. P., Fuentes Grandón, D. A., Boogert, S., & Kazanina, N. (2023). Illustrations of interactions needed when investigating sleep using a type of AM-PM PM-AM design. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-10. 10.3758/s13423-023-02248-8

  • Kalenkovich, E., Shestakova, A. & Kazanina, N. (2022). Frequency tagging of syntactic structure or lexical properties; a registered MEG study. Cortex, 146, 24-38. 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.09.012

  • Cucu, M. O., Kazanina, N., & Houghton, C. (2022). Syllable-Initial Phonemes Affect Neural Entrainment to Consonant-Vowel Syllables. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16. 10.3389%2Ffnins.2022.826105

  • Tait, L., Lopes, M. A., Stothart, G., Baker, J., Kazanina, N., Zhang, J., & Goodfellow, M. (2021). A large-scale brain network mechanism for increased seizure propensity in Alzheimer’s disease. PLoS computational biology, 17(8), e1009252. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009252

  • Burroughs, A., Kazanina, N., Houghton, C. (2021) Grammatical category and the neural processing of phrases. Scientific Reports 11, 2446. 10.1038/s41598-021-81901-5

  • Efimov, K., Ntoumanis, I., Kuskova, O., Kadieva, D., Panidi, K., Kosonogov, V., Kazanina, N., … & Jääskeläinen, I. P. (2021). Impact of induced moods, sensation seeking, and emotional contagion on economic decisions under risk. Frontiers in psychology, 12. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.796016

  • Darley, E., Kent, C., & Kazanina, N. (2020) A ‘no’ with a trace of ‘yes’: a mouse-tracking study of negative sentence processing. Cognition, 198, 104084. 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104084

  • Kazanina, N., Baker, S., & *Seddon, H. (2020). Actuality bias in verb learning: The case of sublexically modal transfer verbs. Linguistics. 10.1515/ling-2020-0183

  • Milton, A., *Rowland, A., Stothart, G., Clatworthy, P., Pennington, C. M., & Kazanina, N. (2020). Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation indexes preserved semantic memory in healthy ageing. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10. 10.1038/s41598-020-69929-5

  • Tait, L., Tamagnini, F., Stothart, G., Barvas, E., Monaldini, C., Frusciante, R., ... Kazanina, N., & Goodfellow, M. (2020). EEG microstate complexity for aiding early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.

  • Nieuwland, M. S., & Kazanina, N. (2020). The neural basis of linguistic prediction: Introduction to the special issue. Neuropsychologia, 146. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107532

  • Kaku, K., Liceras, J., & Kazanina, N. (2020) Acquisition of aspect in L2:  The computation of event completion by Japanese learners of English. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(1), 185-214. 10.1017/S014271641900047X

  • Martin, F., Demirdache, H., del Real., I., van Hout, A., & Kazanina, N. (2020) Children’s non-adultlike interpretations of telic predicates across languages. Linguistics. 10.1515/ling-2020-0182

  • Goodluck, H., & Kazanina, N. (2020). Fragments Along the Way: Minimalism as an Account of Some Stages in First Language Acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00584


  • Nieuwland, M. S., Barr, D. J., Bartolozzi, F., Busch-Moreno, S., Darley, E., Donaldson, D. I., Ferguson, H. J., Fu, X., Heyselaar, E., Huettig, F., Husband, E. M., Ito, A., Kazanina, N., Kogan, V., Kohút, Z., Kulakova, E., Mézière, D., Politzer-Ahles, S., Rousselet, G., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., Segaert, K., Tuomainen, J., & Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S. (2019). Dissociable effects of prediction and integration during language comprehension: Evidence from a large-scale study using brain potentials. Proceedings of Royal Society Bб Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 375(1791)

  • Tait, L., Stothart, G., Coulthard, E., Brown, J.T., Kazanina, N., & Goodfellow, M. (2019) Network Substrates of Cognitive Impairement in Alzheimer's Disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 130, 1581–1595.

  • Mitchell, J., Kazanina, N., Houghton, C., & Bowers, J. (2019). Do LSTMs know about Principle C? Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2019.

  • Kazanina, N., Bowers, J. S., & Idsardi, W. (2018). Phonemes: Lexical access and beyond. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(2), 560-585.

  • Nieuwland, M. S., Politzer-Ahles, S., Heyselaar, E., Segaert, K., Darley, E., Kazanina, N., Von Grebmer Zu Wolfsthurn, S., Bartolozzi, F., Kogan, V., Ito, A., Mézière, D., Barr, D. J., Rousselet, G., Ferguson, H. J., Busch-Moreno, S., Fu, X., Tuomainen, J., Kulakova, E., Husband, E. M., Donaldson, D. I., Kohút, Z., Rueschemeyer, S.-A., & Huettig, F. (2018). Large-scale replication study reveals a limit on probabilistic prediction in language comprehension. eLife, 7, e33468.

  • Kazanina, N. (2017). Predicting complex syntactic structure in real time: Processing of negative sentences in Russian. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(11), 2200-2218.

  • Stothart, G., & Kazanina, N. (2016). Auditory perception in the aging brain: the role of inhibition and facilitation in early processing. Neurobiology of Aging, 47, 23-34.

  • Bowers, J. S., Kazanina, N., & Andermane, N. (2016). Spoken word identification involves accessing position invariant phoneme representations. Journal of Memory and Language, 87, 71-83.

  • Stothart, G., Kazanina, N., Naatanen, R., Haworth, J., & Tales, A. (2015). Early visual evoked potentials and mismatch negativity in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 44(2), 397-408.


  • Yoshida, M., Kazanina, N., Pablos, L., & Sturt, P. (2014). On the origin of islands. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29(7), 761-770.

  • Stothart, G., Tales, A., Hedge, C., & Kazanina, N. (2014). Double peaked P1 visual evoked potentials in healthy ageing. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(7), 1471-1478.

  • Stothart, G., & Kazanina, N. (2013) Oscillatory characteristics of the visual mismatch negativity: what evoked potentials aren't telling us. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 1-9.

  • Qu, Q., Damian, M. F. & Kazanina, N. (2013) Reply to O’Seaghdha et al.: Primary phonological planning units in Chinese are phonemically specified. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110(1), E4.

  • Stothart, G., Tales, A. & Kazanina, N. (2013) Evoked potentials reveal age-related compensatory mechanisms in early visual processing. Neurobiology of Aging, 34, 1302-08.

  • Qu, Q., Damian, M. F. & Kazanina, N. (2012) Sound-sized segments are significant for Mandarin speakers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109, 14265–14270.

  • Kazanina, N. (2011) De-composition of Pre-fixed Words in Russian. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37(6), 1371-1390.

  • Kharlamov, V., Campbell, K. & Kazanina, N. (2011) Recognizing variable speech inputs: early, automatic and language-dependent detection of phonological equivalence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 3331-3342.


  • Kabak, B., Maniwa, K. & Kazanina, N. (2010) Listeners use vowel harmony and word-final stress to spot nonsense words: A study of Turkish and French. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 1, 207-224.

  • Kazanina, N. & Phillips, C. (2010) Differential effects of constraints in the processing of Russian cataphora. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(2), 371-400.

  • Gouvea, A., Phillips, C., Kazanina, N., & Poeppel, D. (2010). The syntactic processes underlying the P600. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25(2), 149-188.

  • Kazanina, N., *Dukova-Zheleva, G., *Geber, D., *Kharlamov, V., & *Tonciulescu, K. (2008). Decomposition into multiple morphemes during lexical access: a masked priming study of Russian nouns. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23(6), 800-823.

  • Kazanina, N., & Phillips, C. (2007). A Developmental Perspective on the Imperfective Paradox. Cognition, 105, 65-102.

  • Kazanina, N., Lau, E., Lieberman, M., Yoshida, M., & Phillips, C. (2007). The Effect of Syntactic Constraints on the Processing of Backwards Anaphora. Journal of Memory and Language, 56, 384–409.

  • Kazanina, N., Phillips, C., & Idsardi, W. (2006). The Influence of Meaning on the Perception of Speech Sound Contrasts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103, 11381-11386.

  • Phillips, C., Kazanina, N., & Abada, S. (2005). ERP Effects of the Processing of Syntactic Long-distance Dependencies. Cognitive Brain Research, 22 (3), 407-428.

©2022 by Nina Kazanina

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